Animated Short:
The Hunt
Graduation Film
Adaptation of the myth of Diana and Acteon
Short animated movie directed and produced from September 2019 to May 2019
Original music composed by Louis Chenu
Sound design, Sound editors and folley artists: Juliette Béha and Thérence Guillerme
Sing performed by Alice Duport-Percier
Lyrics Translation: Fachri Maulana and Barorotul Akhfiya
Voice Acting:Yvan Vindret and Thérence Guillerme
Additionnal coloring animation: Andy apollo, Antoine Regeste, Chenyi Gao, Clara Ricossa, Loreline Jaillet, Paul-Emmanuel Separi, Pénélope de Louise, Salomé Duboscq, Stéphanie Nguyen Dang, Tiffany Pilato
Making of
From the first storyboards to the last character animation, this video sum up all the creative process I went through during this challenging year.
First Storyboard