Teen’s Illustration

La Brigade Des Pâtissiers V01 & V02-2025

(Nathan Jeunesse/



Coming of age story about a group of friend trying to achieve their dreams in a prestigious french culinary school.

-written by Elizabeth Barféty in collaboration with Silamaka Soukouna

(12+ years old)

Léon, 1916


(Poulpe Fictions/



An historical novel about a young boy who will try to save his father enrolled for Verdun’s battle during WW1 in France.

-written by Tristan Pichard

(12+ years old)

“Terreur sur le Lac”- 2023 (Bayardeunesse/



A thrilling story about a young boy named Linus who get kidnapped by three ominous men who bring him to an old cabin near a lake…

-written by Sandrine Beau

(12+ years old)

“Almar’s Legacy”-JeBouquine-

Jan 2023 (Bayard Presse/France)


The story of a young Viking intertwined with Lionel, a modern young boy.

-written by Antoine Lefranc

(10+ years old)

“Mine”- 2022 (Bayardeunesse/France)


A spooky story about a young girl named Lily who moves in to an old haunted house in Florida…

-written by Delilah S. Dawson

(10+ years old)

“The Dollhouse Murders”- 2021 (Bayard Jeunesse/France)


Amy is terrified. She hears scratching and scurrying noises coming from the dollhouse in the attic, and the dolls are never where she left them…Are the dolls trying to tell her something? Could this all be connected to the murders of her great-grandparents?

-Spooky story written by Betty Ren Wright

(10+ years old)

“Fight me if you dare”- JeBouquine-Jan 2021 (Bayard Presse/France)


Omar has a secret identity on twitter he uses to criticize celebrities and among them a popular rapper: Toska. But one day Toska threatens Omar to reveal his true identity on the internet... A story about cyber bullying and social media.

-Teen story written by Mabrouck Rachedi

(12+ years old)


Children's Illustration


Editorial work